Excuse the information dump.
But here are the motions put forward by the Green Party to the Draft Fingal Development Plan. Some got accepted, some didn’t and some were withdrawn. It will become clear what got over the line when the next version goes for public consultation shortly.
Thanks to Cllr David Healy for compiling this list.
That the Chief Executive insert the words “elderly car parking and” into the sentence “Provision for designated parent and child car parking provision is encouraged in certain circumstances” in section 14.17.8 Accessible Car Parking so that it reads “Provision for designated elderly car parking and parent and child car parking provision is encouraged in certain circumstances”. |
That the Chief Executive remove the words “in certain circumstances” from the sentence “Provision for designated parent and child car parking provision is encouraged in certain circumstances” in section 14.17.8, so that it reads “Provision for designated parent and child car parking provision is encouraged.” |
That the Chief Executive replace the words “parent and child” with the word “these” in the sentence “Parent and child parking spaces should be provided as close as reasonably possible to building entrance points and should be allocated, sign posted and appropriately managed” in section 14.17.8 so that it reads “These parking spaces should be provided as close as reasonable possible to building entrance points and should be allocated, sign posted and appropriately manage.” |
If all three motions are agreed, then the new paragraph will read – Provision for designated elderly car parking and parent and child car parking provision is encouraged. These parking spaces should be provided as close as reasonable possible to building entrance points and should be allocated, sign posted and appropriately managed. |
That the Chief Executive remove the sentence “Any future development would benefit from access to the nearby M50 motorway” from the paragraph “Any future development would benefit from access to the nearby M50 motorway. The recently carried out Dunsink Feasibility Study envisaged that the lands could facilitate approximately 7,000 residential units. While recognising these lands as a potential strategic landbank for the County, it is acknowledged that this land bank will require Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) status, or other relevant planning-related designation.” on page 41, so that the new paragraph reads “The recently carried out Dunsink Feasibility Study envisaged that the lands could facilitate approximately 7,000 residential units. While recognising these lands as a potential strategic landbank for the County, it is acknowledged that this land bank will require Strategic Development Zone (SDZ) status, or other relevant planning-related designation” as inclusion of this sentence is at odds with Chapter 6 of the draft which highlights the need to reduce transport emissions. |
To include a prioritisation list of the scheduled Local Area Plans, Masterplans and Framework Plans to be commenced over the plan period, as set out in section 2.4. |
To include wording under section 2.4.3, Framework Plans, indicating that Framework Plans will be brought before Elected Members for agreement. |
That the third paragraph on page 160 be amended by inserting the following after “public transport”: “the use of construction materials with low environmental impact and which store carbon”. |
That the first sentence on p.188 be amended to read:” To achieve sustainable development in Fingal, and respond to key transport challenges over the lifetime of this Plan, recognising that there is an over reliance on private cars throughout the County and the need to reduce transport emissions, this chapter identifies the policy framework to manage travel demand and cater for travel needs across Fingal in a sustainable manner.” |
That the “integrated set of transport objectives” referred to in CMO1 be set out within the Development Plan rather than subsequent to its adoption. |
That the mode share targets referred to in CMO2 be set out within the Development Plan, and that the Chief Executive look to best practice elsewhere and the medium -term goals set in those places to help identify appropriate targets. |
That the second paragraph under on page 194 be amended by changing “…the Council supports the delivery of a programme of cycling and walking infrastructure across the County.” to “…the Council will provide and, through the Development Control process, require the provision of, high quality walking and cycling infrastructure across the County. |
That the second paragraph under on page 194 be amended by changing “The prioritisation of pedestrians and cyclists…” to “The prioritisation of walking and cycling…” |
That Table 6.2 be expanded to include all public rights of way of which the Council is aware. |
That Table 6.2 be expanded to include all public rights of way which have been identified in planning applications within Fingal. |
That Table 6.2 be expanded to include the designated footpaths in the Howth SAAO. |
That the text accompanying Table 6.2 explain why despite the legal obligation which has been in place since 2010 and the objective within the 2017 Development Plan to compile the list of public rights of way for inclusion in the Plan by way of Variation, the list in Table 6.2 is so short. |
That the text accompanying Objective CMO11 explain the process for identifying public rights of way and what barriers if any have been met. |
That the text in relation to Park and ride be amended to refer to both bicycle parking and car parking. |
That the following policy be added to the plan: Provide for the operation of the airport including changes to the numbers and timing of flights as required to control and reduce aviation emissions in line with meeting the objectives of the Paris Agreement. |
That the following policy be added to the plan: Protect the health of residents affected by aviation noise, particularly night-time noise |
“Review the road schemes indicated in Table 6.3 to assess their impact on total car kilometres travelled, modal split and emissions.” |
That the SEA identify the climate impact of the schemes in Table 6.3 |
That the following text be included in Chapter 6: “The national Climate Action Plan 2021 identifies increases in active travel and public transport trips and a reduction in vehicle kilometres as essential parts of meeting 2030 and 2050 climate targets. These changes shall be reflected in all calculations/predictions of demand for various travel modes carried out by the Council or for development consent purposes. |
Insert new objective “Circulation Plans and Low Traffic Zones. Work with NTA, TII and adjoining local authorities to plan for motor vehicle routing/impermeability to create low traffic zones and encourage modal shift for short trips from cars to active travel and public transport, along the lines of the Ghent circulation plan and Low Traffic Neighbourhoods in London.” |
Break CMO33 into three objectives as it relates to three different road schemes. |
Amend Objective CMO33a to “Support and facilitate the TII, NTA and Meath County Council in the planning and delivery of an N2 scheme north of Ashbourne aimed at road safety and prioritising active travel and public transport, without increasing overall traffic capacity on the route. |
Amend Objective CMO33b to “Support and facilitate the TII, NTA and Meath County Council in the planning and delivery of an N3 scheme between the M50 and Clonee aimed at reallocating existing road space to public transport and providing safe routes and/or safe alternative routes for active travel. |
Amend Objective CMO33c to “Support and facilitate the TII, NTA and Kildare County Council in the planning and delivery of a new link between the M3 and M4 restricted to public transport, active travel and emergency use. |
Amend Objective CMO33 to “Support and facilitate the TII, NTA, and Meath County Council and Kildare County Council in the planning and delivery of an N2 scheme north of Ashbourne aimed at road safety and prioritising active travel and public transport, without increasing overall traffic capacity on the route, a N3 scheme between the M50 and Clonee aimed at reallocating existing road space to public transport and providing safe routes and/or safe alternative routes for active travel, and a new link between the M3 and M4 restricted to public transport, active travel, and emergency use. |
Amend Policy CMP33 to read” Ensure that roads and streets within the county are designed to prioritise safety, particularly that of children and other vulnerable road users.” |
Replace the words “, however this needs to be balanced with local business needs.” with “. Fingal will work with local businesses to achieve these restrictions in HGV movements including through incititatives such as a Direct Vision Standard and HGV safety permits.” |
That the last sentence on page 194 be amended from “Routes within the network will have regard to the NTA Cycle Network Plan for the GDA and the NTA’s Cycle Manual.” to “Routes from the NTA’s Cycle Network Plan for the GDA and other routes marked on the Development Plan maps will be prioritised.” |
That the current GDA Cycle Network Plan be marked on the maps. |
That the cycle routes marked in the Kinsealy Local Area Plan and other Local Area Plans be marked on the maps. |
The the cycle routes in Malahide proposed in the Sustrans 2009 Malahide Skerries study be included in the Plan. |
The the cycle routes in Skerries proposed in the Sustrans 2009 Malahide Skerries study be included in the Plan. |
Add numbered policy: The Council will ensure that the highest standards of provision for walking and cycling are integrated into into transport infrastructure from the start of the design process. |
Add objective: “Provide for 30km/h speed limits in residential areas, centres of towns and villages and the vicinity of schools.” |
That the Chief Executive include an explanation in the draft development plan outlining how it is envisaged that the proposed residential zoned lands at Dunsink, which are also marked as a Nature Development Area, will be developed in a way that protects and enhances Fingals Green Infrastructure at this location, as per the draft Development Plan which repeatedly references the necessity of protecting and enhancing the County’s Green Infrastructure, given that no other Nature Development Area in Fingal is also marked as residential. |
That the words “and enhances” be added to Policy GINHP4 so that it reads “Ensure the Green Infrastructure strategy for Fingal protects and enhances existing Green Infrastructure resources and plans for future Green Infrastructure provision which addresses the five main themes identified in this Plan, namely: Biodiversity, Parks, Open Space and Recreation, Sustainable Water Management, Archaeological and Heritage landscapes, Landscape”. |
That the Chief Executive add the words “and through the creation of additional pollinator sites during the lifetime of this development plan” are added to Objective GINH05 so that it reads “Continue to support the provisions of the National Pollinator Plan 2021-2025 through the management and monitoring of the County’s pollinator protection sites and through the creation of additional pollinator sites during the lifetime of this development plan” |
That the Chief Executive add the words “and into the future, following project completion” are added to the end of Objective GINH09 so that it reads “Ensure that all greenway developments have a biodiversity net gain. Nature conservation and opportunities for biodiversity enhancement will be a key part of these infrastructure projects and nature conservation will be considered throughout the lifetime of the project and into the future, following project completion” as it is important that nature conservation and biodiversity enhancement form a key part of these infrastructure projects into the future, and not just during the development and construction phases. |
That the Chief Executive remove the words “Fingal’s Allotment Strategy, Community Gardens” from Objective GINH023 so that it reads “Continue to support and promotre re-wilding and pollinator initiatives within the County” as allotments and community gardens, while important in terms of Fingal’s Green Infrastructure, are not forms of rewilding and in fact the methods employeed on them are often what could be referred to as “unwilding” and so they do not fit within this objective. |
That a new objective, GINH024, is created under section 9.5.2, Green Infrastructure and Planning, promoting reintroduction programmes. Reintroduction programmes are in important part of rewilding and increasing biodiveristy in the County. |
That the Chief Executive include a definition of rewilding at an appropriate location within Chapter 9 of the draft development plan so that what rewilding is isn’t left open to interpretation and inclusion of such a definition would be in line with Objective GINH023 as providing a definition would be promotion of rewilding in itself. |
That the Chief Executive replaces the word “bird” with the word “wildlife” in the heading of policy GINHP15 so that it reads “Wildlife Box Guidance” as this better reflects the policy. |
That the Chief Executive includes the words ” Rewilding and” in the heading of policy GINHP16 so that it reads “Rewilding and Pollinator Initiatives” as this better reflects the policy. |
That the Chief Executive includes the words “and support” in policy GINHP16 so that it reads “promote and support rewilding and pollinator initiatives in Fingal”. |
Under section 9.6.8, Ecologicial Corridors and Stepping Stones including Trees and Hedgerows, on page 305, it states that ” Green corridors should be incorporated into all new large developments, as part of Green Infrastructure provision, linking large areas of open space and linking with areas outside the development site”. Can the Chief Executive provide clarification as to what is meant by a “large development” within the plan so that it is clear which new developments this instruction relates to. |
That the Chief Executive create a new objective under section 10.11, Multi-Culturalism, with the heading “Documenting Multi-Culturalism” that reads “Document Fingal’s multi-culturalism through the acquisition of material relating to Fingal’s multi-culturalism which shall be retained and preserved into the future” as this provides a means of promoting the County’s multi-cultural heritage. |
That the Chief Executive create a new Policy numbered HCAP35, under section 10.10 Language Heritage, which reads “Promote and support the language heritage of new Irish/migrant communities within the County”. |
That the Chief Executive create a new objective HCA068 which reads “Promote the cultural and language heritage of new Irish/migrant communities in Fingal and support events celebrating same”, as this is currently lost among objectives relating to the Irish Language. |
That the first paragraph be amended on page 87 to include the word “high” and replace “in a timely manner” with in parallel. The paragraph: “This plan puts in place policies and objectives to ensure that housing, in conjuction with quality placemaking, is delivered in a timely manner and in the right locations…” would subsequently read: “This plan puts in place policies and objectives to ensure that housing, in conjuction with high quality placemaking, is delivered in parallel and in the right locations…” |
That the fourth paragraph have “and consideration should be given for the need for increased options for members of this cohort looking to downsize” added to the fihnal sentance of the paragraph changing the final sentance from”…there is a growing awareness of the significance posed by growth in older population cohorts, with the 65+ category increasing by 36.1% between 2011 and 2016, the higest recorded increase of this cohort within the State.” to read “…there is a growing awareness of the significance posed by growth in older population cohorts, with the 65+ category increasing by 36.1% between 2011 and 2016, the higest recorded increase of this cohort within the State and consideration should be given for the need for increased options for members of this cohort looking to downsize |
That the first sentance of the foiurth paragraph on page 87 being amended to include “while protecting and enhancing the environment”. Changing it from”..translating into an annual average provision of approximately 2,700 homes per annum.” to “..translating into an annual average provision of approximately 2,700 homes per annum while protecting and enhancing the enviroment”. |
That the second paragrah be amended to include placemaking and subsequently read “…which will transform Balbriggan Main Street and Harbour with continued investment in public realm, placemaking, town centre improvement and rejuvenation of the north Dublin town.” |
That the strategic aims be amended to include gender and read as follows: “Ensure that public realm is of a high quality design standard, is inclusive and accessible for all, irrespoective of age, ability or gender.” |
That the strategic aim be amended from “Promote adequate provision and distribution of community infrastructure in Fingal.” to read “Promote adequate provision and distribution of accessible community infrastructure in Fingal that caters for the needs of our diverse communites.” |
That the policy be amended to read “….attractive, high quality places to live, work, recreat, visit and invest in.” |
That the policy be amended to read “….served by a range of local services, provision of quality public realms, diverse and accessible community facilities and open spaces for the benefit of the community.” |
That the objective be amended to read “….Is inclusive al all members of society, irrespective of age or gender or levels of mobility” |
That the objective be amended to read “….Prioritises sustainable active transport modes” |
Insert additional bullet point to read “Encourages the development of car free neighbourhoods and streets.” |
That the objective be amended to include an additional bullet point to read “Demonstrates commitement and contribution to our climate goals” |
That the second last paragraph on page 91 be amended to include safe, changing it from “…public realms should be universally accessible and easy to access by all…” to “public realms should be universally accessible, safe and easy to access by all…” |
Change policy EEP4 Employment Intensive Land Uses from: “Ensure employment intensive land use zonings are located adjacent to public transport networks and links.” To: “Ensure employment intensive land use zonings are located adjacent to public transport networks and active travel links.” |
That the second last paragraph on page 91 be amended to include “gender”, changing it from “…easy to access by all irrespective of mobility levels or age…” to “…easy to access by all irrespective of mobility levels, gender or age…” |
Change policy SPQHP3 “Promote, develope and implement policies and initiatives which shape and deliver quality accessible public realms…” to “Promote, develope and implement policies and initiatives which shape and deliver quality accessible and sustainable public realms…” |
Change policy SPQHP4 “…support high quality design of the public realm and provide for a mix of uses within these areas including cultural, community and residential uses as appropriate.” to “…support high quality design of the public realm and provide for a mix of uses within these areas including arts, educational, cultural, community and mixed use and tenure residential uses as appropriate.” |
Change policy SPQHP5 “…promotion of adaptable residential buildings,” to “promotion of adapatable buildings” |
To add an objective “Discourage vacancy and the underutilisation of buildings and lands that could yield economic benefits in employment areas” |
Change policy SPQHP5 “…by ensuring development contributes to a positive sense of place and local distinctiveness.” to “…by ensuring development contributes to a positive sense of place, local distinctiveness and character |
Amend to include adequate provision of bins and recycling options |
Change objective SPQHO6 “Support measures required to create vibrant town and village centres with high quality public realms.” to “Support measures required to create vibrant and sustainable town and village centres with high quality public realms.” |
Change objective SPQHO7 “Support the objectives arising from ‘Our Balbriggan’ and ‘Sustainable Swords’.” to “Support and facilitate the objectives arising from ‘Our Balbriggan’ and ‘Sustainable Swords’”. |
Change objective SPQHO9 “Focus new residential development on appropriately zoned lands within the County, within appropriate locations proximate to existing settlement centres where infrastructural capacity is readily available, and along existing or proposed high quality public transport corridors in a phased manner alongside the delivery of appropriate physical and social infrastructure” to “Focus new residential development on appropriately zoned lands within the County, within appropriate locations proximate to existing settlement centres where infrastructural capacity is readily available and along existing or proposed high quality public transport corridors and active travel infrastructure in a phased manner alongside the delivery of appropriate physical and social infrastructure” |
Change objective SPQHO10: “Ensure that adequate and appropriate housing is available to meet the needs of people of all incomes and needs including Traveller households, older persons, people with disabilities, and the homeless, through an appropriate mix of unit types, typologies and tenures provided in appropriate locations and in a manner appropriate to specific needs. to “Ensure that adequate and appropriate housing is available to meet the needs of people of all incomes and needs including marginalised groups within our communities, including but not limited to, Traveller households, older persons, people with disabilities, and the homeless, through an appropriate mix of unit types, typologies and tenures provided in appropriate locations and in a manner appropriate to specific needs.” |
Change objective EEO10 from: “Ensure that towns, villages and other locations within the Metropolitan Area pursue development policies of consolidation, and maximise their economic strengths and competitive advantages such as tourism and marine sectoral activities in Malahide and Howth, while the lands within the southern part of the County maximise their economic potential through the strong functional linkages to the M50 and the lands to the north of the County maximise their economic potential through strong links to the M1 and the wider regional and national road network.” To: “Ensure that towns, villages and other locations within the Metropolitan Area pursue development policies of consolidation, and maximise their economic strengths and competitive advantages such as tourism and marine sectoral activities in Malahide and Howth, while the lands within the southern part of the County maximise their economic potential through their strong history of horitculture and food production, heritage sites, abundant biodiversity, and connectivity and that lands to the north of the county equally lean on their strenghts in food production, the natural environment and connectivity. |
Change objective SPQHO13 from: “The Council will work in cooperation and collaborate with key stakeholders including the DHLGH and the Dublin Housing Supply Co-Ordination Task Force (or any successor) to respond to the current supply challenges in the Dublin region. The Council will also support ‘Active Land Management’ using appropriate Exchequer funding to ensure the delivery of social and affordable housing.” to “The Council will work in cooperation and collaborate with key stakeholders including the DHLGH and the Dublin Housing Supply Co-Ordination Task Force (or any successor) to respond to the current supply challenges in the Dublin region. The Council will also support ‘Active Land Management’ using appropriate Exchequer funding to ensure the delivery of accessible social and affordable housing in a variety of size and tenure. |
Change objective SPQHO16: “Prepare Framework Plans where outlined in Chapter 2, liaising closely with landowners, developers and other relevant stakeholders. These documents shall indicate the broad development parameters for each site and take cognisance of permitted developments and any potential environmental impacts.” to “Prepare Framework Plans where outlined in Chapter 2, liaising closely with landowners, developers, Councillors as a reserved function, local communities and other relevant stakeholders. These documents shall indicate the broad development parameters for each site and take cognisance of permitted developments and any potential environmental impacts.” |
Add objective under EEP18 Green Economy: “Support the provision of walking and cycling infrastructure, including bike parking, bike repair and support services, to increase footfall and economic activity in town and village centres while reducing emissions and improving quality of life. |
Add objective under section ICT and Financial Services: “Promoted the growth of the ICT, financial and banking sector in Fingal by making the county an attractive location to live and focusing on placemaking, strong communties, and amenities as the key driver of investment in the coming years.” |
That the executive In the first paragraph on page 97 include wording that acknowledges the impact of an increasing older population on our public realm, makes reference to our age friendly policies and age friendly towns across the County as well as examples of issues we need to be cognesisant of when planning our public places for older members of our communities such as more frequent seating, toilet facilities etc |
Add objective under section Marine: Support the development of low-impact nature tourism initiatives in the Fingal coastal area.” |
Change policy SPQHP12: “Support all members of society to enjoy a high-quality living environment and to support local communities, healthcare authorities and other bodies involved in the provision of facilities for groups with specific design/planning needs.” to “Support all members of society to enjoy a high-quality living environment and to support local communities, experts within our communities with ‘lived experience’, healthcare authorities and other bodies involved in the provision of facilities for groups with specific design/planning needs.” |
That the executive include a paragraph that acknowledges that by providing a variety of housing options for our older residents including step down housing we free up larger family homes to be put back on the market therefore assisting with the demand for family homes in Fingal |
Support an intergenerational mix in areas, including the construction of older citizen’s homes in already developed areas, along the principles of universal design |
Add objective under policy EEP22 Tourism Infrastructure: “Support and facilitate the development of a heritage trail in Swords and support the expansion of access to heritage sites in the town to deliver an attractive offering to visitors.” |
Add objective under policy EPP22 Tourism Infrastructure: “Support cycling groups and local communities to develop cycling trails and quiet ways both in towns and villages and connecting towns and villages as an attractor for visitors to the area, promoting economic development.” |
Amend EEO50 from: “Promote informal recreation, particularly walking, through the development and expansion of a network of safe walking trails that provides access to scenic uplands, riverine and coastal features and within towns and villages and their environs. Such routes can link with existing way marked trails, Slí na Slainte walks and parts of the Green Infrastructure Network and other local resources, such as existing or new rights of way.” To: “Promote informal recreation, particularly walking and cycling, through the development and expansion of a network of safe walking and cycling trails that provides access to rural landscapes, scenic uplands, riverine and coastal features and within towns and villages and their environs. Such routes can link with existing way marked trails, Slí na Slainte walks and parts of the Green Infrastructure Network and other local resources, such as existing or new rights of way.” |
Add objective under policy EPP23 Rural Economy: “Encourage and support growers and producers in the Fingal area to seek Protected Designation of Origin (PDO), Protected Geographical Indication (PGI), and Traditional Specialities Guaranteed (TSG), designations under European Union rules, particularly in the area of organic horticulture where the county has a rich tradition.” |
Add objective: “Encourage and facilitate community groups in Fingal to avail of community renewable energy projects under the governments Renewable Energy Support Scheme (RESS), and any subsequent version of the scheme. “ |
Add objective under EEP27 Aggregate Extraction: “Support the use and production of recycled aggregate by the construction industry.” |
Add objective below Objective EEO88: “Support local retail by facilitating sustainable ‘last mile’ delivery through our towns and villages.” |
Add objective “Fingal County Council recognises the importance of social inclusion and resolves to make 30% of social housing should be fully accessible and built with a universal design approach which will mean that the property will be flexible and changed as needed over the course of the occupants lifetime.” Pamela – this is good. I’d maybe add text at the end referencing where the 30% comes from so that everyone can see it has come from a recommendation from an IDA paper. |
Change policy from SPQHP23 from “The Council will implement government policy in relation to the provision of accommodation for refugees and asylum seekers within Fingal.” to “The Council will implement government policy in relation to the provision of accommodation for refugees and asylum seekers within Fingal and retrofit as legislation progresses” |
Developments of 35 dph must conduct an assessment of local social infrastural capacity as part of their application, including local school and heathcare capacity |
Add objective under policy SOQHP30 “Quality of residential development”. |
Ensure residential new builds include the provision of infrastructure for the harvesting of rain water |
Ensure that explicit, strong standards of noise proofing are required for new build developments (particularly apartments) |
Promote sustainable waste behaviour in new and existing developments, including support for local integrated recycling schemes |
Amend objective SPQHO30: “Encourage higher residential densities ensuring proposals provide for high quality design and ensure a balance between the protection of existing residential amenities and the established character of the surrounding area.” to “Encourage higher residential densities up to 50dpa where appropriate ensuring proposals provide for high quality design and ensure a balance between the protection of existing residential amenities and the established character of the surrounding area with a target minimum of 15% amount of green space, tree coverage and public space associated with every residential area” |
Amend objective SPQHO29 “Ensure new residential development incorporates energy efficiency measures and promotes innovative renewable energy opportunities.” so that it reads “Ensure new residential development incorporates energy efficiency measures, promotes innovative renewable energy opportunities including including by passive solar design, natural ventilation, and vegetation (green roofs etc) on buildings and makes most effective and sustainable use of water, aggregates and other resources |
Add text to policy SPQHP31: “Ensure that all residential development within Fingal is provided with and has access to high quality private open space and semi-private open space (relative to the composition of the residential scheme) which is of a high-quality design and finish and integrated into the design of the residential development.” so that it reads Ensure that all residential development within Fingal is provided with and has access to high quality private open space and semi-private open space (relative to the composition of the residential scheme) which is of a high-quality design and finish and integrated into the design of the residential development that conserves and enhances the natural environment, particularly in relation to biodiversity, and enables ready access to open spaces.” |
Amend Policy SPQHP33 “Promote compact growth in line with the NPF and RSES through the inclusion of specific policies and targeted and measurable implementation measures that: Encourage infill/brownfield development Focus growth on the County’s designated strategic development areas identified in the Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan Promote increased densities along public transport corridors.” so that it reads ” Promote compact growth in line with the NPF and RSES through the inclusion of specific policies and targeted and measurable implementation measures that: Encourage infill/brownfield development Focus growth on the County’s designated strategic development areas identified in the Metropolitan Area Strategic Plan Promote increased densities along public transport corridors while giving due consideration to site configuration and the characteristics of the area having an impact on the density levels achievable.” |
Amend objective SPQHO43 “Implement the Vacant Sites Levy for all vacant development sites in the County and update and make available a Register of Vacant Sites, as per the requirements of the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015, or any superseding Act” so that it reads “Implement and actively seek collection of the Vacant Sites Levy for all vacant development sites in the County and update and make available a Register of Vacant Sites, as per the requirements of the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act 2015, or any superseding Act.” |
Develop a programme of ‘new homes in small towns and villages’ to give local communties access to serviced sites with approapriate infrastructure within existing settlements, in line with NPO 18b. (subsequent objectives may be required from FCC under this policy) |
Amend SPQHO77 Objective SPQHO77 Apply the provisions of the Rural Settlement Strategy, only with regard to ‘New Housing for Farming Families’ as set out within this Chapter, within the Airport Noise Zone A, and subject to the following restrictions: Under no circumstances shall any dwelling be permitted within the predicted 69dB LAeq 16 hours noise contour. Comprehensive noise insulation shall be required for any house permitted under this objective. Any planning application shall be accompanied by a noise assessment report produced by a specialist in noise assessment which shall specify all proposed noise mitigation measures together with a declaration of acceptance of the applicant with regard to the result of the noise acceptance report. to read Apply the provisions of the Rural Settlement Strategy, only with regard to ‘New Housing for Farming Families’ as set out within this Chapter, within the Airport Noise Zone A, and subject to the following restrictions: Under no circumstances shall any dwelling be permitted within the predicted 69dB LAeq 16 hours noise contour. Comprehensive noise insulation shall be required for any house permitted under this objective as per WHO noise pollution guidelines Any planning application shall be accompanied by a noise assessment report produced by an independent specialist in noise assessment which shall specify all proposed noise mitigation measures together with adeclaration of acceptance of the applicant with regard to the result of the noise acceptance report. |
Include the requirement for carbon zero construction and materials are used during the works |
Include the requirement that alarm boxes should be sensitive in design and location on the building |
Amend objective DMSO8 “Ensure new shopfront designs respect the character and architectural heritage of the existing streetscape. Encourage, where appropriate, the use of contemporary shop front design.” so that it reads “Ensure new shopfront designs respect the character and architectural heritage of the existing streetscape. Encourage, where appropriate, the use of contemporary shop front design as long as the design, materials and proportion of the shopfront are appropriate and respect the scale and fabric of the building and/or street of which they form part |
The amount of hanging and projecting signs will be controlled on shopfronts and streetscapes. |
Amend table 14.3 to include “Encourage utilisation of brownfield sites within the built-up footprint of existing settlements” |
Amend table 14.3 to include “Ensure well designed houses which take cognisance of their locations and surrounding” |
Amend table 14.3 to include “Prioritise sustainable construction which go beyond minimum standards set out in the Building Regulations for insulation, energy production, water usage, etc. (possibly achieving Passive standard) and low carbon methods of construction” |
Amend table 14.3 to include ” Ensure lifetime adaptable houses with universal design so the house can serve the original occupants and/or potential future inhabitants into old age or with physical limitations” |
Designate contained areas within town and village centres for display of election posters and map out remaining areas outside of the designated zones as poster free |
To protect the amenities and attractiveness of the County, no commercial advertising structure will be permitted in the open countryside, on or near a structure of architectural or historical importance, in architectural conservation areas, on public open spaces, in areas of high amenity, within important views, in residential areas, or where they would confuse or distract users of any public road. The existing County Heritage Plan includes for the provision of an Interpretation Programme, which includes information boards and signage in the public realm and printed materials such as maps and trails. In addition, the Council will encourage the use of informational signage with respect to biodiversity, ecology, and climate adaptation measures at specific locations throughout the County. |
Include objective under Housing within the Airport Noise Zones: “Seek funding for the provision of serviced sites in the Coolquay RV, under the Croí Conaithe (Towns) Fund, to provide opportunties for housing to the communities impacted by aircraft noise and the development of the North Runway. |
Include objective under Housing within the Airport Noise Zones: “Deliver the Coolquay LAP within the first year of the making of the Development Plan to provide opportunities for housing to the communities impacted by aircraft noise and the development of the North Runway.” |
Include the following text: “The impact of climate action regulation on the aviation industry and Dublin Airport is still uncertain. Aviation is not exempt from the goal of being carbon neutral by 2050 under the Partis Agreement. Action is being taken at EU and international levels to address emissions from the aviation sector, including through market-based measures, such as the ETS, as well as sustainable fuel mandating initiatives, such as ReFuel EU Aviation and the Alternative Fuel Infrastructure Regulation, which will both include binding targets once adopted. International collaboration is also continuing through the International Civil Aviation Organisation aimed at stopping emission growth. In the recently published Climate Action Plan 2021: Securing Our Future, the Irish Government committed to supporting appropriate action taken at EU and global levels to reduce emissions from the aviation sector. Once a binding EU or international agreement to regulate aviation emissions is signed it will have a clear impact on passenger number forecasts for Dublin Airport.” |
Insert the following Objective: “Review the Dublin Airport Local Area Plan 2020 within six months of a change in government policy which is likely to materially impact the forecasted growth in passenger numbers at Dublin Airport, such as policies which will directly or indirectly increase the cost of aviation fuel.” |
Insert objective: “Support the development of alternative fuel infrastructure at Dublin Airport.” |
Insert policy: “Support the local community impacted by the expansion of Dublin Airport in efforts to prevent the fragmentation of their community.” |
Insert objective : “Support communities impacted by the expansion of Dublin Airport by facilitating greater housing opportunities in neighbouring rural villages.” |
Delete reference to ‘Ward River Valley Park’ from GIM3 GIM22 Map Based Objectives 1 Prepare and implement a masterplan for the Tolka Valley Park and the Ward River Valley Park Remove reference to Ward River Valley Park and insert new objective Development Plan for the Ward River Valley Park to be developed and delivered within one year of the plan. The focus should be on preservation, conservation and restoration of the current historic structures in this heritage site. The plan will include amenities required that suit the local communities needs and encourage the growth of the park into a tourist destination while protecting the woodlands and wildlife that are in abundance. |
Insert new objective under Swords Key Town Objectives: “Support new forms of public engagement in the preparation of the Sustainable Swords project, such as small citizens assembly, with a view to building strong public interest, understanding and buy-in for the recommendations of the project.” |
Insert new objective under Swords Key Town Objectives: “Facilitate the strategic regeneration of open space and recreational amenity within Swords to meet the needs of a growing population, in particular the development of the Ward River Valley Regional Park.” |
Insert a new Objective under Policy CIOSP10 (Ch 4 – Page 147) Childcare facilities – “Actively seek and prioritise community-based, non-profit childcare providers for all future Fingal owned or developed childcare facilities” |
Encourage the provision of childcare facilities in a sustainable manner to encourage local economic development and assist in addressing disadvantages in accessing childcare. |
To reach the European city average of 40% of the Functional surface area be made up of urban green infrastructure by the lifetime of this plan through the use of, but not limited to, roof gardens, green roofs, vertical gardens, courtyards, community gardens, school allotments, parks or forests. |
Insert Objective under Policy CIOSP – “Ensure that proper community infrastructure and complementary neighbourhood facilities are provided concurrently with the development of new residential growth nodes in the County.” |
Amend Objective CIOSO34 to read “Ensure public open space is accessible and designed to prioritise safety through the provision of passive surveillance.” |
Amend Objective CIOSO36 – “To facilitate the provision of appropriately scaled AND FULLY ACCESSIBLE children’s playground facilities within new and existing residential development in line with the Councils Play Policy” |
Insert new objective under policy CIOP13 – “Promote the planting and installation of ‘pocket forests’ to provide more foliage and to create a woodland ecosystem in the heart of towns, cities and residential areas.” |
To identify vacant commercial units and encourage their transition to potential community infrastructure |
Identify potential sites for community gardens, or allotments, in new and existing clusters of housing units that lack private green spaces and facilitate their evolution into the aforesaid spaces. |
Examine our towns and villages in the county to identify which appropriate Bring Banks are needed in local communities and coordinate with local stakeholders to identify appropriate locations to install such banks with the aim of encouraging recycling and recovery of waste. |
To ensure that all development proposals in Low Carbon District Heating Areas of Potential carry out an Energy Analysis and explore the potential for the development of low carbon district heating networks |
To identify and report potential locations for Low Carbon District Heating Areas across the county, similar to the South Dublin Spatial Energy Demand Analysis 2015 |
Insert Objective under Policy CIOSP2 – “To conduct a social infrastructure audit in each of our towns and villages to identify gaps in social facilities and where such infrastructure can be retrofitted in existing developments” |