The design team who will work on a major upgrade and development of the Ward River Valley Regional Park have finally been appointed.
The Ward River Valley Park masterplan, which has been promised for close to 7 years, has finally got under way with the appointment of Dermot Foley Landscape Architects as the lead on the project.
This project will be critical to the future development of the town.
Commenting on the news, Cllr Ian Carey said:
“This is a really important project for Swords. The valley cuts through the centre of the town and is really the lungs of Swords.
“These lands are many thinks to many people – essential sport and recreation space, a nature haven, historical gem and sadly, to some, a dumping ground.
“All the issues associated with the park will need to be brought into this project because in the years to come this area will be under more and more pressure from the planned increase in population.
“The scope, however, to deliver something transformative is really huge because this park in contact with so many different communities around Swords.”
The first phase of the public consultation will begin on Saturday 8th October with an interactive design workshop at Rivervalley Community Centre where people can meet the design team.
The project – led by the Parks & Green Infrastructure Division – aims to deliver a sustainable vision for the development of the park. Protection and enhancement of the existing heritage, ecology and biodiversity is a key element of the park’s future, along with developing new links within the park and with the wider area.
The recent acquisition by Fingal of strategically located lands within the River Valley will help unlock the future potential of the park. The project will also identify current recreational needs and uses, providing a framework for development of the park from the present time into the future.