Assistant and Executive Biodiversity Officer positions for the Biodiversity team in Fingal County Council are currently being advertised.
The roles are part of an expanded Biodiversity Team to implement the Fingal Biodiversity Action Plan.
The plan has over 100 actions aimed at halting nature loss and restoring biodiversity over the coming decade.
Some of the task listed include:
- Implement conservation actions, including the Biodiversity flagship projects, from the Fingal Biodiversity Action Plan
- Work with Local Authority staff, State Agencies, private landowners and NGOs to advance biodiversity and ecosystems restoration projects within the Local Authority Area;
- Develop and implement new biodiversity restoration initiatives based on best conservation practice;
- Commission biodiversity related research, audits and surveys and provide data obtained to the NBDC and NPWS in a suitable format for reporting purposes.
- Apply for and deliver biodiversity projects under the Heritage Council funding and National Biodiversity Action Plan and other sources available sources of funding.
- Work on a programme of public engagement for biodiversity through Environmental Groups/NGOs, National Heritage Week, and other public events.
Cllr Ian Carey said:
“It is really great to see these roles coming on stream. They are vital to the delivery of the biodiversity action plan which is at the central to the council’s efforts to restore nature. Increasing the number of staff in this area is a clear indication of a change of priorities for the council when it comes to protecting our environment and boosting biodiversity across the county.
“If you are interested in this area I would encourage you to apply. There are a number of really exciting flagship biodiversity projects happening in Fingal that you will have a big part in.”