Next week there are two public meetings happening that are important for the people of Swords.
The first is the Joint Policing Committee (JPC) public meeting for the Swords/Malahide sub-district which is taking place on Wednesday, October 5th.
This is where Senior Gardaí and Executives of Fingal County Council answer questions and discuss with the public all the issues and concerns around public safety and policing in the area. This will be the first public meeting of the JPC since the pandemic and is a great opportunity to raise issues or concerns directly with those in a position to make a change.
Details are as follows:
Date: Wednesday October 5th
Time: 7pm – 8.30pm
Location: Grand Hotel, Malahide.
The second is the start of the public consultation on the Ward River Regional Park masterplan.
This is the new plan which will define how we develop the Ward River Valley. It’s such and important open space that it is curcial that we get it right. This is the first chance to meet the design team and the consultants and to influence the plans BEFORE they prepare the first draft. It’s the best time to have an influence on what is produced.
There is also a quick online questionaire for you to fill out before. Here is the link
Details are as follows:
Date: Saturday October 8th
Time: 1pm to 4pm
Location: Rivervalley Community Centre
Cllr Ian Carey said:
“I can’t stress the importance of both of these meetings. I’ll be chairing the JPC meeting in Malahide and it is a great chance to discuss issues impacting Swords including garda resources, scramblers, anti-social behaviour, and the recent increase in burglaries. Swords and Malahide have different sets of problems and I’m keen that Swords is well represented at this meeting so please attend if you are free.
“In relation to the Ward River Valley Regional Park project. This is really the opening piece and it is your best opportunity to impact what happens in the park. If you want connectivity, more sports facilities, essential nature and heritage conserved, then please come along and make your point.
“If you can’t make it the survey is the next best thing. Log on and fill it out – it takes less then 5 minutes.”