A new Strategic Housing Development (SHD) for Fosterstown in Swords has been revealed today.
It shows higher buildings and densities than were originally planned for the site under the 2019 masterplan.
The original masterplan, developed by Fingal County Council, proposed up to 8 storeys in the eastern part of the site but this has been increased in the new plan.
The highest building on the site will be just shy of 40 meters in height which to put it in context is about 2/3rds the height of Liberty Hall.
The plans can be viewed in full here.
Responding to the latest SHD, Cllr Ian Carey said:
“We are again seeing increases in densities in this new SHD for Fosterstown in Swords. When the Metro is built this site will be one of the most connected in the country and even in the interim it will have Bus Connects routes right on its doorstep.
“As the site is already high by comparison to the rest of the town the new apartment blocks will no doubt be visible around the town. I think it is important that we get a good mix of tenancies within the new area. It’s critical that the people living here are integrated fully with the community.
“Again my key concern is that we keep pace with such developments when it comes to investment and infrastructure. That means investing in our parks and open spaces, our childcare provision, our schools, our healthcare, as well as sporting and cultural investment.”
Here is the video from the developer’s website:
Here is the proposed site layout:
The description of the new development on their website reads as follows:
J. Murphy (Developments) Limited hereby apply to An Bord Pleanála for a seven year planning permission for a strategic housing development on a site located at Fosterstown North, Dublin Road / 132, Swords, Co. Dublin.
In summary, the proposed development comprises a Strategic Housing Development of 645 no. residential units (comprising of 208 no. 1 bedroom units, 410 no. 2 bedroom units, and 27 no. 3 bedroom units), in 10 no. apartment buildings, with heights ranging from 4 no. storeys to 10 no. storeys, including undercroft / basement levels (for 6 no. buildings). The proposals include 1 no. community facility in Block 1, 1 no. childcare facility in Block 3, and 5 no. commercial units (for Class 1-Shop, or Class 2- Office / Professional Services or Class 11- Gym or Restaurant / Café use, including ancillary takeaway use) in Blocks 4 and 8.
The proposed development will also include the provision of public and communal open space, including 2 no. playing pitches, children’s play areas and an ancillary play area for the childcare facility.
The development includes all associated site and infrastructural works.