If you are at a loose end this evening why not come and hear about the grants and supports available to upgrade your home?
Between 6pm and 8pm tonight the Warmer Homes, Lower Bills event is taking place in the Carnegie Court Hotel, Castle Suite.
The outline of the event is as follows:
- 6-6.30 Open forum, you will have a table that you can talk to attendees and hand out leaflets
- 6.30: Intro from Cllr. Ian Carey
- 6.35: Karl Bradshaw House2Home One Stop Shop
- 6.45: Members First Credit Union
- 6.55: Information on SEAI grants
- 7.05: Garry Mulhall, Bank of Ireland
- 7.15: A homeowner will give their perspective on using the One Stop Shop
- 7.25: Q and A
Cllr Ian Carey said:
“I’m looking forward to the event tonight. Feel free to come along on the night, even if you didn’t book. We will have lots of interesting speakers and it should give you a good insight how to avail of these extensive supports.”