An Garda Síochána statistics for 2021 have shown an overall decrease in crime in Swords but public order incidents, assaults, and fraud have increased.
The statistics presented to the Joint Policing Committee (JPC) last week revealed how Covid restrictions have led to changes in criminal activity.
Major drops in burglary and robbery were recorded in the Swords area last year compared to 2020.
When questioned on the increases in Swords by Cllr Ian Carey the Garda Inspector gave the following explanations.
The categories of assault causing harm, assault minor, and public order incidents, were impacted by the gathering of large groups outside during restrictions and lockdowns.
In relation to the sharp increase in fraud, the inspector explained that this was influenced by an increase in online fraud activity which was being reported by residents in Swords.
Commenting on the statistics Cllr Ian Carey said:
“It is very clear from the statistics that Covid restrictions presented challenges in policing. A lot was asked of An Garda Síochána during the lockdowns and they rose to the challenge.
“It was a very difficult time for everyone and it is good that we are getting back to normality now. What I think is critical now is that we work hard to keep the low levels of burglary and robbery so that we don’t see a resurgence of previous trends. I know the Gardaí are working hard to make this happen.
“In relation to public order incidents and assaults, I’m hopeful that we don’t see large groups gathering again and we get back to more normal patterns of behaviour.”