A public meeting is being held to discuss the impact of PFAS chemical exposure and noise from Dublin Airport, next Thursday.
The St Margarets The Ward FORUM group, is organising the meeting following the news that Fingal County Council have used their regulatory powers to force the Dublin Airport Authority to release all the information they have on the PFAS contamination at the airport.
PFAS is a cancer causing chemical, which was previously fire fighting foam, and some 150,000 tonnes of soil at Dublin Airport has been contaminated with it.
The public meeting will take place at the Coolquay Lodge at 8pm, all are welcome.
Cllr Ian Carey said:
“I was glad to see Fingal County Council use their powers to force the DAA to come clean on this massive contamination. We really need the council to take a strong stance on the issue of pollution from Dublin Airport.
“These chemicals, PFAS, haven’t been used in a decade but they are still present in the soil at Dublin Airport and the public deserve to have the full facts on these cancer-causing compounds.
“There are so many unanswered questions in relation to this. We need to know where they are? In what concentrations? How much is in the water? Have they flowed in waterways off the site? Are they impacting Special Areas of Conservation downstream? Are there plans to move the contaminated soil because of the infrastructure project? If so how is this going to be managed? Are local wells impacted? Are wells used for industrial uses or food production impacted?
“The silence on this issue is deafening.”