Fingal County Council have reaffirmed their commitment to identify a site for a new primary care facility in Swords, in conjuction with the HSE.
Following a motion from Cllr Ann Graves (Sinn Féin) at the Development Plan meeting this week, council officials have committed again to work with the HSE to identify a suitable site within the town.
This commitment could pave the way for a centrally located primary care facility being delivered more quickly, subject to HSE funding.
Such facilities have been promised under the Sláintecare programme as a way to relieve pressure on our hospital system.
“Everyone in Swords is all too familiar with the trip to Beaumont Hospital and the overcrowing that exists there,” Cllr Ian Carey told the meeting.
“Swords is due to receive a population of 100k over the coming decades and a facility like this is an absolute necessity for the area. I’m happy to support plans to bring forward this project in whatever way we can.”
The council response to the Sinn Féin proposal was as follows:
The Health Service Executive (HSE) is the primary body responsible for the provision of health care facilities in the County. Fingal County Council will continue to support the provision of public and private healthcare facilities throughout the County on suitably zoned lands and will promote the location of same close to new and existing communities where services can be easily accessed. It is considered that the content of the motion is adequately addressed through Objective CIOSO21.
The Director followed up on this report with a verbal commitment to work in conjuction with the HSE to identify a site and work toward delivery.