Fingal County Council have allocated close to €80m on social and mixed-tenure housing projects in Swords over the next three years.
Details of the spend were contained in the council’s Capital Programme recently approved. The list of Swords projects is not the total spend on housing projected for the Swords area as individual home accquisitions and tentant-in-situ purchases are a separate budget line.
The Swords projects are part of a package on housing that amounts to €860m across the county on housing and it is funded almost entirely thorugh grounds from the Department of Housing.
Swords housing projects – 2024-2026
Fingerpost, Kinsealy | 1,400,000 |
Woodside, Swords | 14,250,000 |
Bowden Court, Outlands, Swords | 1,130,000 |
Holywell, Swords | 26,162,500 |
North Street Swords | 4,955,000 |
Seatown Road, Swords | 10,500,000 |
Knocksedan, Swords | 15,875,000 |
Mooretown, Swords Phase 1 | 4,250,000 |
Total | 78,522,500 |
Cllr Ian Carey said:
“This is positive move from Fingal. If we compare it to previous allocations on housing over the past decade or so it represents a strong commitment to developing social and affordable housing. Every day I’m dealing with people struggling because of housing shortages and I know it can’t change over night but this is a clear conveyor belt of projects have will help to alleviate those pressures and meet that need. If we couple it with the other housing accquisitions and measures being rolled out it is a really postive capital budget from a housing perspective.
“Looking at the total housing allocation to 2026, it comes to €850m across the county. The total capital programme across all areas (housing, parks, transport, etc.) that comes to €1.3bn. When you compare the two you can see the priority that is being given to housing delivery across the local authority.”